It almost seems as if there is a cultural fog around the nuclear industry in Canada. It is as if, because uranium requires "special handling," PR people ran in and made sure anything "hot" was not reported, causing the containment wall that should rightly be around uranium to instead spring up around the industry instead, allowing important events to remain somehow shrouded in irony and underreported.
In 2006, nuclear capacity worldwide was at its highest. To some, this appeared to be a "nuclear revival." In researching for this review, I found that Jim Harding, in a letter to the Edmonton Journal had remarked," in the midst of this supposed revival, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) projects that by 2030 there will be only 447 to 679 gigawatts (GW) of nuclear capacity worldwide. This is only 40 to 60 percent of what was predicted to exist by 1990, the last time there was industry-animated hype about a nuclear boom in the 1980s."1 Harding was right. Despite energetic building in the nuclear sector, worldwide total nuclear capacity has remained lower than that 2006 level ever since.2 World electricity for nuclear power generation holds at 10.2 in 2019 while solar, wind, geothermal and tidal power generation climb past 6.6%.
Canada's Deadly Secret was written in 2007, an interesting time in history, because it was a ray of truth in the middle of what we find looking back was considerable hype. What I found memorable in the book was Harding's descriptions of Saskatchewan, "currently the largest uranium-producing region of the world," which he explains is undervaluing and drastically "sidestepping Aboriginal rights" in order to mine radioactive uranium on First Nations land. The huge pits and the sheer magnitude of radioactive tailings are heart-stirring..." Harding describes how "the deep scars and radioactive waste left on the land" is not the whole story. His book pursues the trail to "long-living toxic nuclear wastes like plutonium, a substance never before seen on planet earth..." as well as "the fissionable material that ended up in thousands of nuclear warheads (and) the DU left from the enrichment processes going into the uranium bullets now being questioned by the United Nations but used nonetheless by the US or NATO in its four most recent wars, and used in the casings of H-bombs ready to play their part in any number of possible genocides brewing in the war-rooms of nuclear weapons powers." This says Harding is the fuller implication of uranium mining in Saskatchewan and therefore, a larger responsibility of Canadians who cannot pretend not to know or care.
Radioactivity is scientifically interesting, it has created some important advances. That's fine. However, many would love to downplay the legacy of problems rife in Canada's nuclear industry. Throughout this time, rather than the shiny, clean presentation of the nuclear industry we see from advertisements, the nuclear industry has often been functioning very much like any other large, polluting industry, only the cumulative results are considerably more dire. As a result, some people make it their life's mission to take this industry to task. Jim Harding has been an anti-nuclear activist since the 1950s, and his dedication to battling the myth of the "good" nuclear industry is an impressive one. Along the way, he has gotten to know the industry very intimately. After all, because nuclear waste stays active and extremely dangerous to human life for thousands of years, it is the duty of all of us to know about and reinforce every mechanism that carefully monitors uranium. It is being pulled out of the earth during our lifetimes, while future generations will wonder who fought to ensure that uranium mining and the distribution of radioactive material is not made to seem like a small or irrelevant event. It seems our duty to earth's creatures thousands of years in the future to know about and generally ensure responsible policies towards the handling of this highly problematic aspect of nuclear material. More so as it is being touted as a "clean" energy alternative in an age when there are so many other truly clean alternative energy sources that do not bear the terrible aspect of a toxic legacy that future generations must bear.
Here Harding really hits the mark with scathing criticism of nuclear power's attempt to greenwash its toxic production process and general danger. There are some very convincing arguments without the support of Harding's expertise why nuclear power is not the way forward as we phase out coal. Around the world, nations are storing hundreds of thousands of tons of high-level radioactive waste, with no real plan on what to do with it. Nuclear plants are being shut down around the world, and the ones that are being built are going up at a very high price in carbon emissions. Caldicott remarks, "Canada's Deadly Secret exposes not just the 'environmental ticket' being used by the nuclear industry to try a comeback. It also explores the deadly corporate planning processes that reveal the growing partnership between the oil and the nuclear industries. The proposed twinning of nuclear power to help extract the greenhouse-gas-laden heavy oil in Western Canada's tar sands is quite extraordinary. Harding convincingly argues that sustainable development must be non-nuclear." 1.THE EDMONTON JOURNAL 2.
Harding, J. (2008). Canada's deadly secret: Saskatchewan uranium and the Global Nuclear System. Fernwood.
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